Dr. Tianqing Zhu is an Associate Professor in Cyber Security in the Faculty of Engineering and IT at UTS, and the co-director of the Centre for Cyber Security & Privacy. She holds BEng and MEng degrees from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China and a PhD in Computer Science from Deakin Unviersity, Australia (2014). Prio to joining UTS, she was a Lecturer with the School of Information Technology, Deakin University, from 2014 to 2018. She has extensive experience teaching and researching privacy preserving, cyber security and security in Artificial Intelligence. In 2017, she co-wrote a monograph, Differential Privacy and Applications, which examined differential privacy and its application, and which has helped fill the gap between theory and application. The publication presented the most recent research on differential privacy from a theoretical perspective, and provided an approachable strategy for researchers and engineers to implement differential privacy in real-world applications. From 2017 to 2021, Tianqing received funding for two ARC Linkage projects and two ARC discovery projects, in total worth about $2 million. The projects are all focussed on privacy preservation and security. She is currently supervising a research fellow, 15 PhD students, one honours student, and four visiting scholars. Her research team has already made a positive impact on the cyber security and privacy research community. |